I am always amazed that people who spend $10,000 to get to a place where they will pay 7
bucks for a beer will comment on my leather journal and tell me how extravagant it its. I now just nod and
agree, I no longer try to justify it. I have come to grips with the fact that I like to write on good paper and
I like to write in a book that is something I am going to keep. Those same people that are drinking the 7
dollar beer, tell me that their phone takes just as good pictures as my camera and then proceed to scroll
through a few hundred pics to find that one great one of their dog.
Lets get some things straight, I like beer and I have no problem with you taking pictures with
your phone, but I do know that most of those photos will never go any place else than your phone.
I keep a journal and make a point of putting together a photo book when I get home, and lately I
have had a lot of time to catch up on that task. Keeping a journal is not just for trips it is an excellent
practice any time but a trip is a great place to start and make it a habit.
A client who developed into a friend says that journaling saved his life. He tells the story of
being in the hospital after a motorcycle accident and being told he would not walk again. One of his
friends that was coming to visit him stopped at a Dollar Store and bought him a couple of cheap
notebooks and pens.
“You have to start writing down your feelings, you have to sort things in your head.” his friend
told him. Kevin was not convinced at the time but he started and today he credits the practice with saving
his life, and by the way he did learn to walk again. It was through a lot of effort but he did it.
I say that if your journal is not stained by tears and beers it was not really on the trip, and some
people find that a bit strange, I think it representative of life. You have bad times and you have good
times, you need to record both for what it does at the time, and to have a record of where you have been.
You may choose to work in a Dollar Store note book, the content is no less valuable, I like the
feel of a good pen on good paper, and that does not make my thoughts or ramblings any more important, I
just like the feel.
Give it a try, you have nothing to loose, and so many memories to gain.